Friday 20 February 2009

I Do Love This Blog

Still no laptop, nor internet connection, to truly call my own and whilst I do have time(ish) to write posts I don't have the urge for some reason because it eats into what is now valuable internet time for me to chat with mates and blog on my other two blogs. Posts on here take a lot of reading to get up, and a fair bit of writing, and so things here are closed until I can afford a new laptop.

But... I will be back here, and things will be updated as soon as I get a new laptop... thanks to everyone for keeping me in their readers and following lists. It really is appreciated. This blog gives me an excuse to look into areas that interest me, that I've neglected for a long time, so it is very much forefront in my future plans.

I just love this article on "shadow life" here on Earth. A very interesting area of study. I've always been fascinated by the "vent life" of the seas but this takes things a whole step further...

This blogger works for nothing but the joy of writing but always appreciates things bought from his wishlist


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello, you have one of the of the most interesting and well written blogs I have ever seen! Well, that's not saying much, since I haven't seen much, but it's great to see something worth reading and fascinating when browsing through the net. :) Thanks for your great stuff,just telling you that you're not blogging in vain!