Saturday 29 November 2008

Haunted Sofa? News (if you could call it that)...

Sometimes I truly am amazed at the guff the news media print in this country. I can almost forgive the Sun, but the fact the Telegraph also went with this story proves that it has gone to the dogs.

Nigel and Christine Strange (cue five million jokes) from Bristol think their leather sofa is haunted because... it makes squeaking noises when they sit on it. The noises appear to be getting louder over time and their "fearless Yorkshire Terrier" is scared by the noises. 

1. Anyone ever had a leather sofa? I hate the things, the squeaky noises can be totally irritating. 
2. Sofas often BREAK and if something is broken inside it will often make a noise, especially when sat on, and over time the noise might get worse as the problem gets worse. 
3. Yorkshire Terriers will bark at anything. 

How can anyone take this seriously? It's obviously a set up story to enable the Sun to push it's parent companies latest release "The X-Files: I Want To Believe" (I did too but I was very much off put by the terrible plot). Only an idiot would assume something was haunted just because it squeaked when you sat on it!

And really... it's just a boring story. Unlike these tales of the unexpected (with a furniture twist)

Further Reading

Possessed Possessions : Haunted Antiques Furniture and Collectibles -  Ed Okonowicz and Kathleen Okonowicz (UK Amazon, US Amazon)

Possessed Possessions 2: More Haunted Antiques Furniture and Collectibles - Ed Okonowicz and Kathleen Okonowicz (UK Amazon, US Amazon)


Martin MY said...

Just passing by on blog explosion and your story caused me to stop. I have had an experience myself.

Try this for size:

Jae Kay said...

Thanks for popping by, a very interesting experience indeed.

Manodogs said...

I swear it sounds like a frog or maybe a rat, furiously trying to burrow deeper into the wood whenever one of the Stranges sits down on top of it. At any rate, like you said, the very last thing I thought when I heard it was, "Whoa! It's haunted!"